Frequently Asked Questions
Regular Season runs from September - June. Registration is ongoing.
If spots are available you are able to register at any time. Example - If a spot is available on a Tuesday and you register for this class on a Thursday, your child would start the following Tuesday.
Registration Dates for our various programs are as follows:
Regular Season (September - June) registration typically opens towards the latter part of June, early July at 7:00 pm online.
Winter Camp Registration opens on November 1st, at 12:00 pm
Spring Camp Registration opens on February 1st at 12:00 pm
Summer Camp Registration opens on March 1st at 12:00 pm
Drop & Gym and Parties open on the 1st of the previous month at 12:00 pm (e.g. April Parties and Drop & Gym open March 1st at 12:00 pm)
The Calgary Gymnastics Centre offers programs for children 6 months and up. All program descriptions can be found under our Gymnastics For All tab. We offer Active Start (Parented classes) for children 6 months – 3.5 years, Active Start (Unparented classes) classes for children 3 – 6.5 years of age and Recreational programs for children 6 – 17 years of age.
In order to register for a program you must meet the minimum age requirement.
If your child is over the age of nine, or you are unsure which program/class to register in, we strongly recommend that you book a FUNdamentals (CanGym/CanJump) assessment prior to the start of registration. A Calgary Gymnastics Centre coach will assist you and your gymnast in finding the perfect class to meet their needs. In addition to the assessment, you and your gymnast will receive a guided tour of our gym.
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer trial classes. If you are unsure about registering, we welcome you to visit our facility and watch a class in progress.
Unfortunately, due to the coach/athlete ratio, we are unable to offer make-up classes.
We do require parents of children registered in the Hot Shots program to remain in the building while your child is in class.
Children should wear comfortable clothing that allows a full range of motion. Appropriate clothing includes shorts, leggings, athletic pants, bodysuits, fitted T-shirts and tank tops. For your child(rens) safety, no belts, buckles or zippers. Bare feet are the safest and only acceptable footwear. Long hair must be tied back and no jewelry. Valuables should be left at home. The Calgary Gymnastics Centre is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
For the safety of the athlete, parents are required to accompany their child in and out of the building when dropping them off or picking them up.
You will need to first create an account. The first account you will create is the Primary Account holder (parent/payer account). Once this has been done, you will then create your child(rens) accounts by adding participant(s).
Registrations must be done online as the Parent/Legal must accept Policies, Minor Waiver & PIPA.
You do not need an account to view any activities. To view activities offered, click here.
Registration dates for our various programs will also be posted approximately 1 – 2 months prior to registration. All Information will be posted on our Home Page approximately 1 – 2 months prior to registration.
This is the Alberta Gymnastics Federation Insurance & Membership fee. This is a mandatory yearly, per athlete fee which runs from July 1st to June 30th. It covers insurance and membership in the Federation.
A Notification of Risk Waiver form and PIPA form must be filled out per athlete once per gymnastics year. This is mandated by the Alberta Gymnastics Federation.
This is a service fee charged by our online provider.
Payment by credit card, Visa/MasterCard Debit are accepted forms of payment through our online provider.
Waitlist, Transfers & Withdrawals
If a class is full you have the option of putting your child(ren) on a waiting list. The process for waitlisting is the same as registering. If you do not receive an email confirmation then you have not successfully placed your child(ren) on the waitlist.
You do not need to contact us. If a spot opens up, you will receive an email which will allow you to register for the class being offered. Do not click the link in the email until you are ready to complete the registration before it times out or the system will assume that you no longer wish to accept it and will remove you. You will also be removed if you do not register within 48 hours. It is extremely important that you always keep contact information current.
If you need to transfer to another day and time that is available, contact one of our office staff to process the transfer:
Withdrawals are accepted for most programs. The following outlines Withdrawal Policies:
Active Start (Babynastics, Gym Mites, Gym-A-Tot, Tiny Tumblers, (Hot Shots, KinderGym) Recreational (CanGym, CanJump, Teen)
Withdrawal notification must be received on or before the 20th of the month you wish to stop. All future payments will be cancelled and your child(ren) will be withdrawn after their last class of the month.
Withdrawal will be accepted up to 1 week prior to the start of camp and will incur the following admin fees:
$30 - Weekly Full Day Camps
$20 - Weekly Half Day Camps
Credit Only (no administrative fees) – Skills & Drills, Drop & Gym
Transfers will be accepted up to 1 week prior to the start of camp. Withdrawal/transfer requests received less than 1 week prior to the start of camp will only be considered for medical reasons. A doctor's note must be provided.
Skills & Drills/Drop & Shop
Withdrawals will be accepted up to 1 week prior to the start of class. A credit will be applied to your account and no administrative fee applied.
Withdrawal requests received less than 1 week prior to the start of class will only be considered for medical reasons. A doctor's note must be provided.
Withdrawals will be accepted up to 1 week prior to your party date. After this period refunds will only be accepted for medical reasons and must be accompanied with a medical note. A $30 admin fee will apply.
Adult Gymnastics Classes
All Adult Flex passes are non-refundable, non-transferrable.
Online Account
Please contact the location that your child attends:
West office at 403-242-1171
North office at 587-319-2231
Please do not create a new account.
Creating a multiple account will block returning participants from registering during Priority Registration. The new account will not have the Returning Participant criteria which is required for Priority registration.
The system will allow you to update all information with the exception of birth dates.
Log on to your online account and click on Invoices. You will be able to print and view all transactions processed.